Monday, January 31, 2011

My Awesome Headings!

I bet by now all of you awesome people (who I don't know or maybe may know) reading my blog may have noticed my totally cool headings too all of my blog posts so far!

Wanna get awesome blog headings too?? I bet you do :P

Here's how I do it...
For starters I created my blog using Google's blogger.
All the fonts I use as blog headings come from either MicroSoft Office Word or a cool little font website called
After heading to dafont I search through all their headings till I find a cool heading and download it and add it to MicroSoft Word.
Once I have my font added to Word, I open a new word document and Paint.
In Word I go to 'Insert', 'Picture', 'WordArt' and write my heading eg. MY AWESOME HEADINGS!! and then change the colour of the WordArt.
Once I'm happy with the font, size and colour I press the PrintScreen button on my keyboard and paste the screen print into Paint.
In Paint i just crop out the heading part and save!
Then I come to this blog and write a new post adding the Paint picture that I saved as my font.
It's that simple!

To get this font I used for my heading head to and search for Alice In Wonderland in the search bar on the website :)

Back To School :/

Today was my first day of Year 10 in 2011.
My morning started out pretty good, I got to see all of my awesome friends that I hadn't seen in the holidays since some of them had gone overseas. After seeing and talking with all my friends and just chilling in the shade the bell rang :( School had now officially started.
I headed to my homeroom class with two of my friends as they were in the same homeroom as me, yay!
Then there was this assembly with all the year 8s, 9s and 10s where the Principle ranted about stuff like welcoming us back to school and how lovely it was to see us all in our school uniforms and blah blah blah.
When I got my class timetable I instantly started asking all my friends what class they were in for the core subjects. Turns out my two bestest friends are in my core subject classes! (That's Geography, History, Science, Health and Sport)

The day was pretty good except for the weather. It was well in the high thirtys and even topped up to 40 degrees celsius. What a scorcher!!

I've always preffered the cooler seasons like Winter and Autumn over the warmer seasons like Summer and Spring. This heat was way to much and to make it even worse half of the classes I was in today didn't even have any air conditioning!!! How unbelievable, right?

Anyway, all in all it was a pretty good first day :P

Blah Blah Blah 1#

Hello All!

This is my first post on my blog 'Blah Blah Blah"
On this blog I will be talking about random things such as books, movies, music, beauty, fashion, concerts I've been to, a bit of my personal life and I will also be answering questions from all you people out in the world wide web. The questions you ask me can be anything! From love advice to what sort of cheese you should serve at a party.

I think I'll start of by writing a little bit about myself.
I'm 14 years old and turning 15 in June! That means I can finally go see MA15+ movies all by myself at the cinema without an adult dragging me around. Although, I have already seen two MA15+ movies; Bruno and Cop Out (the best movie ever! in my opinion)
I like to tap dance, sing, act, read, do photography, play with my two cats and one dog and I also like to write random blog posts on this very blog!

I think that's all you need to know... oh wait! This year I am in Year 10! Should be a fun year (I hope) even though I have my school certificate exams this year, yikes! I also live in Australia!

Well, keep reading this wonderful blog to get infromed on random stuff that you might or might not need to know about :)