Monday, January 31, 2011

Blah Blah Blah 1#

Hello All!

This is my first post on my blog 'Blah Blah Blah"
On this blog I will be talking about random things such as books, movies, music, beauty, fashion, concerts I've been to, a bit of my personal life and I will also be answering questions from all you people out in the world wide web. The questions you ask me can be anything! From love advice to what sort of cheese you should serve at a party.

I think I'll start of by writing a little bit about myself.
I'm 14 years old and turning 15 in June! That means I can finally go see MA15+ movies all by myself at the cinema without an adult dragging me around. Although, I have already seen two MA15+ movies; Bruno and Cop Out (the best movie ever! in my opinion)
I like to tap dance, sing, act, read, do photography, play with my two cats and one dog and I also like to write random blog posts on this very blog!

I think that's all you need to know... oh wait! This year I am in Year 10! Should be a fun year (I hope) even though I have my school certificate exams this year, yikes! I also live in Australia!

Well, keep reading this wonderful blog to get infromed on random stuff that you might or might not need to know about :)

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