Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Umm... yeah, it's a pineapple :P
The reason i have a freaking pineapple instead of an awesome header is because....
A. I'm bored
2. I'm at school on my school laptop and don't have access to my awesome fonts because I can't install them on the stupid laptop I got from the Aussie government :(

Anyways, as you already know... I'm currently at school, in Geography. The teacher had to get of the classroom to get some text books so I took this time to write on my blog since I haven't posted anything since i think last week.

Well, Pineapples are awesome, right? Spongebob lives in one :)

Imagine living in a pineapple... It would smell so fruityy!! yumm :P

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah pineapple!

So boredd... what are some good ways to stop being bored? I have a listt
- Procrastinate! Go on websites like or or or some other website to waste time on
- Talk to friends on msn and facebook chat :)
- Read a book
- Watch T.V
- Cook a chicken
- Waste time on youtube watching the annoying orange and the harry potter puppet pals (gotta love their wizard angst episode... i think i'll write about youtube in my next blog post :P)

That's all I can think off :P

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