Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Aloe Vera as an Acne Treatmeant?

During the holidays I went to the beach with a few of my friends.
While at the beach I decided to do a bit of tanning as I though I had put on enough sunscreen... I was wrong.
I came home from the beach that day with some sunburn on my face (easily coverable with some makeup, luckily) and some sunburn more noticeable sunburn on my shoulders, near the top of my legs and on my chest (above the breasts, rofl).
First thing I did was jump into a cold shower then I applied some after sun stuff I had in the refirdgerator. I used 'AuScreen After Sun Gel with Aloe Vera' on my face and other sunburn and I also sprayed some 'Banana Boat After Sun Spray' on all my sunburn, including the sunburn on my face.
After a few days of using the gel with aloe vera in it on my face I noticed that my skin seemed to be clearing up a bit. Confused, I decided to Google if Aloe Vera helps get rid of pimples and acne. Turns out yes! Aloe Vera does help get rid of pimples and acne. 

Ever since that day at the beach I use a little bit of the Aloe Vera after sun gel on my face every three or four days to help with my acne and pimples (which luckily is only a very small amount and not very noticable, yay) along with washing my face regulary and applying acne fighting cream to pimples and what not :)

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