Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Just like I promised in my last blog post, this blog post will be about the website

YouTube is an awesome website. You can watch videos about ANYTHING!!
Some of my favourite youtube channels are... (but only for the Potter Puppet Pal Videos)

Those are some of my favourite channels at the moment, along with some others but these are my top four :)

Question: What's your favourite youtube channel?


Umm... yeah, it's a pineapple :P
The reason i have a freaking pineapple instead of an awesome header is because....
A. I'm bored
2. I'm at school on my school laptop and don't have access to my awesome fonts because I can't install them on the stupid laptop I got from the Aussie government :(

Anyways, as you already know... I'm currently at school, in Geography. The teacher had to get of the classroom to get some text books so I took this time to write on my blog since I haven't posted anything since i think last week.

Well, Pineapples are awesome, right? Spongebob lives in one :)

Imagine living in a pineapple... It would smell so fruityy!! yumm :P

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah pineapple!

So boredd... what are some good ways to stop being bored? I have a listt
- Procrastinate! Go on websites like or or or some other website to waste time on
- Talk to friends on msn and facebook chat :)
- Read a book
- Watch T.V
- Cook a chicken
- Waste time on youtube watching the annoying orange and the harry potter puppet pals (gotta love their wizard angst episode... i think i'll write about youtube in my next blog post :P)

That's all I can think off :P

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hair Care

I love when my hair looks good, because when my hair looks good I feel great!
I have naturally dark blonde hair but I have recently started dying it brown in the past 6 or more months and I love it!

To take care of my hair I wash it every two days. I usually wash my hair at night around 2 or 3 hours before I got to sleep.
The shampoo and conditioner I use it 'KMS California: MoistRepair Shampoo' and 'KMS California: MoistRepair Conditioner'. The shampoo and conditioner I have are in 750ml pump bottles.
I use one pump of the shampoo, lather, rinse and then repeat. Then I use one and a half pumps of conditioner. I work the  conditioner into my hair and let it soak in before washing it out. While the conditioner soaks in I wash of my body using body wash.
After my hair is washed I leave it wrapped in a towel for 10 minutes and then let it out and brash through it gently with a paddle brush.
After I brush my wet hair I get a small 5c amount of Moroccain Oil and work that into my hair to make my hair look nice and shiny and soft.
Then I dry my hair using a hairdryer. My hairdryer is from the brand Remington but I don't know what model it is.

In the morning I usually straighten my hair as my hair is naturally slightly wavy. But not cute wavey, just plain old eww wtf? wavy.
When I straighten my hair I use a 'Cloud Nine' hair straightener.

Heading Font Used: Year Supply Of Fairy Cakes from

How I look after my skin :)

I have pretty good skin I suppose. Not much acne and only an occasional noitcable pimple here or there, usually appearing on my chin or near my nose.
Ever since last year I started washing my face more often as I like to look good, everyone does :P

Here is what I do...

In the mornings before I go to school I wash my face with 'Nivea Visage Young; Wash Off Cleansing Gel'
And when i come home from school I wipe off all my make-up with a mackup removing wipe that I get from ALDI, they are cheap but work really good :)
Then at night I was my face with either 'Garnier PureActive ExfoBrusher' or 'Nivea Visage Young; Smoot it! Mild Exfoliating Scrub'.
Then right before I go too sleep I use 'Nive Visage Young: Freshen Up Toner' and then I apply 'Clearasil Ultra; Extra Strength Acne Treatment Cream' to all the places that I have pimples or acne, which is usually just my T-zone. That's forehead, nose and chin. Then I apply 'Nive Visage Young; Bye-Bye Spot Night Care Cream' to the rest of my face, avoiding the places I applied the Acne Treatment.

Also, once or twice a week (deepening if I can be bothered or not, usually not) I apply a face mask.
The face mask I use varies between 'Nutrimetics: Clear: Deep Cleansing Facial Masque' and Nutrimetics: Botanicals: Green Tea Face Masque'

And that is all I do to keep my sking looking good :)

Heading Font Used: [ank]* from

Aloe Vera as an Acne Treatmeant?

During the holidays I went to the beach with a few of my friends.
While at the beach I decided to do a bit of tanning as I though I had put on enough sunscreen... I was wrong.
I came home from the beach that day with some sunburn on my face (easily coverable with some makeup, luckily) and some sunburn more noticeable sunburn on my shoulders, near the top of my legs and on my chest (above the breasts, rofl).
First thing I did was jump into a cold shower then I applied some after sun stuff I had in the refirdgerator. I used 'AuScreen After Sun Gel with Aloe Vera' on my face and other sunburn and I also sprayed some 'Banana Boat After Sun Spray' on all my sunburn, including the sunburn on my face.
After a few days of using the gel with aloe vera in it on my face I noticed that my skin seemed to be clearing up a bit. Confused, I decided to Google if Aloe Vera helps get rid of pimples and acne. Turns out yes! Aloe Vera does help get rid of pimples and acne. 

Ever since that day at the beach I use a little bit of the Aloe Vera after sun gel on my face every three or four days to help with my acne and pimples (which luckily is only a very small amount and not very noticable, yay) along with washing my face regulary and applying acne fighting cream to pimples and what not :)

Heading Font Used: FlowersCube from

Monday, January 31, 2011

My Awesome Headings!

I bet by now all of you awesome people (who I don't know or maybe may know) reading my blog may have noticed my totally cool headings too all of my blog posts so far!

Wanna get awesome blog headings too?? I bet you do :P

Here's how I do it...
For starters I created my blog using Google's blogger.
All the fonts I use as blog headings come from either MicroSoft Office Word or a cool little font website called
After heading to dafont I search through all their headings till I find a cool heading and download it and add it to MicroSoft Word.
Once I have my font added to Word, I open a new word document and Paint.
In Word I go to 'Insert', 'Picture', 'WordArt' and write my heading eg. MY AWESOME HEADINGS!! and then change the colour of the WordArt.
Once I'm happy with the font, size and colour I press the PrintScreen button on my keyboard and paste the screen print into Paint.
In Paint i just crop out the heading part and save!
Then I come to this blog and write a new post adding the Paint picture that I saved as my font.
It's that simple!

To get this font I used for my heading head to and search for Alice In Wonderland in the search bar on the website :)

Back To School :/

Today was my first day of Year 10 in 2011.
My morning started out pretty good, I got to see all of my awesome friends that I hadn't seen in the holidays since some of them had gone overseas. After seeing and talking with all my friends and just chilling in the shade the bell rang :( School had now officially started.
I headed to my homeroom class with two of my friends as they were in the same homeroom as me, yay!
Then there was this assembly with all the year 8s, 9s and 10s where the Principle ranted about stuff like welcoming us back to school and how lovely it was to see us all in our school uniforms and blah blah blah.
When I got my class timetable I instantly started asking all my friends what class they were in for the core subjects. Turns out my two bestest friends are in my core subject classes! (That's Geography, History, Science, Health and Sport)

The day was pretty good except for the weather. It was well in the high thirtys and even topped up to 40 degrees celsius. What a scorcher!!

I've always preffered the cooler seasons like Winter and Autumn over the warmer seasons like Summer and Spring. This heat was way to much and to make it even worse half of the classes I was in today didn't even have any air conditioning!!! How unbelievable, right?

Anyway, all in all it was a pretty good first day :P

Blah Blah Blah 1#

Hello All!

This is my first post on my blog 'Blah Blah Blah"
On this blog I will be talking about random things such as books, movies, music, beauty, fashion, concerts I've been to, a bit of my personal life and I will also be answering questions from all you people out in the world wide web. The questions you ask me can be anything! From love advice to what sort of cheese you should serve at a party.

I think I'll start of by writing a little bit about myself.
I'm 14 years old and turning 15 in June! That means I can finally go see MA15+ movies all by myself at the cinema without an adult dragging me around. Although, I have already seen two MA15+ movies; Bruno and Cop Out (the best movie ever! in my opinion)
I like to tap dance, sing, act, read, do photography, play with my two cats and one dog and I also like to write random blog posts on this very blog!

I think that's all you need to know... oh wait! This year I am in Year 10! Should be a fun year (I hope) even though I have my school certificate exams this year, yikes! I also live in Australia!

Well, keep reading this wonderful blog to get infromed on random stuff that you might or might not need to know about :)